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JP Morgan Chase announced that they are requesting their teams to return to the office. And, they’re proceeding with their new 2.5 million square-foot headquarters build in Manhattan to house 15,000 employees. Wow.
Experts agree that our work-life has changed forever – many of us are not going back to a fully-staffed, collocated office like the (go)olden days. A hybrid approach is becoming more of what is expected: we’re splitting time between the office and home.
One of our clients is officially launching a hybrid back-to-the-office approach and in order to drive employee confidence, they asked us to help them develop a daily health check-in app. Everyone in the organization, whether in the field, working in the office, or being productive from home will “check-in” with their health status.
The benefits are clear, employees can enter the office with confidence knowing that their fellow team members have confirmed their healthy status. From an administration perspective, the system monitors for negative health statuses and gives the HR team the ability to backtrace the employee’s movements from prior check-ins. They’ll be able to notify employees who may have encountered someone reporting as sick.
The health status is self-reported therefore not an actual covid-19 test. However, by raising awareness and employees doing the daily diligence of “checking in,” our client will be able to provide an incrementally safer and healthier environment for their employees.
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