So, your client tells you they don't have a server that runs .NET. You have some experience with Microsoft Azure and want to suggest hosting the new site there. However, you have some issues. You don't want to host their site on your own Azure account. You don’t want the responsibility of hosting a live site for the client on your own (often test) environment. What do you do now?
Well, the good news is there is a solution for you! Microsoft has built a feature into their Azure services called "Co-Administration". That's right, you can allow other people to have admin level privileges on your account. Sounds a little scary? Well, let me explain the benefits of using "Co-Admins".
Using this "Co-Admin" setup, you can allow a client to create their own Microsoft Azure account. They will use their own credit card, their own email, and the rest of their own information to set up the account. So, in the future, if they want to upgrade to a paid account on Azure, they can do so on their own, with their own resources. After they set up their account, they then provide you with "Co-Admin" rights to the account. This means that you will get all the ability to create sites and publish to them without having to deal with the billing of the Azure account.
This is also a great feature if you work on a development team and need others on the team to have access to the same account. But that is another blog for another time.
So, without further ado, follow the steps below to set up an Azure account and create a Co-Admin. If you already have an Azure account, please just skip down to step 4.
1. Go to and click on the “Buy now” button
2. Follow the prompts to create your account.
3. Once the subscription becomes active (About 5 minutes usually) You should see this screen:
4. Click on “Portal” to open the portal:
5. Once the portal opens, you should get this view:
6. On the left side, in the navigation pane, scroll to the bottom and click on “Settings”:
7. Click on “Administrators”
8. At the bottom of the screen, click on “Add”:
9. In the add screen, fill out the information as shown in the picture below, then click the check mark:
You should now see the email listed as “Co-administrator” at the top.
This concludes the instructions for how to setup a Microsoft Azure account with Co-Admin. If you want to learn more about Microsoft Azure and the features it has to offer, please visit the Azure website to learn more about Microsoft Azure features, and click here to learn more about our partnership with Microsoft.
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